Mian Zhong

Mian Zhong


Master’s Student

ETH Zürich

Mian studies MSc Data Science at ETH and graduated from Applied Mathematics at UC Berkeley. She is very grateful for being part of DAAD RiSE, USC ISI and UCSF, where she gets to know what interdisciplinary research is like. Her current research interests are open-domain question answering, bias & fairness, and NLP applications with real-world data. Now She is working on her master thesis with Niklas and Shehzaad, and seeking for PhD positions. While many people loathe, she could spend many hours on reading, collecting and visualizing data. Then, if not browsing data, she is likely sitting there to listen/watch new podcasts, film trailers, bibliographies or TvN shows. Meanwhile, her mind is drifted away with making (4-song) Spotify playlists, reading&re-starting blogs, and taking street photos.

Animal Form: Octopus